Friday, October 22, 2010

Train the Trainers: Value for Money

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Value for money (VFM) to Your Trainee's/Audience's Ultimate Customers

                      Quality X Service Level X Relationship Factor
VFM = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Price to Customer (Cost within organization) X Lead Time

                           Q X S L X R
VFM = ------------------------------------------
              P (C within organization) X L T

Any Management System including TRAINING ultimately should aim at enhancing the VFM on a continuous basis (so that it always remains more than what the competitors are providing).

Therefore, as a trainer, you should design your training program or talk in a manner such that it delivers what will of benefit to the end customers of your trainees/audience or their organizations.

Value to Your Trainees/Audience

In order to effectively and efficiently deliver through your training program or talk what is of benefit to your trainees'/audiences' or their organizations' ultimate or end customers, you should deliver your contents to provide the highest value to your trainees/audience in the following manner.
                            Rapport X Interest X Authentic X Retention X Utility 
Value = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Price to Customer (Trainees/Audience or their organizations) X Lead Time

Customer is the King

A customer is the most important
Visitor on our premises.
He is not interrupting on our work.
He is the purpose of it.
He is not outsider to our business.
He is a part of it.
We are not doing a favor by serving him.
He is doing us a favor by giving us
Opportunity to do so.
                                                                                by M K Gandhi

Your trainees/audience and their organizations are your customers in a "training" situation.

A customer focused trainer is a winner trainer.

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

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