Monday, November 8, 2010

Train the Trainers: Preparation (PowerPoint Presentation)

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Creating a Great Presentation Using PowerPoint or OHP

1. Plan

“If you don’t know your destination, you may not ever reach there.” So before preparing your PowerPoint presentation know:

• Your audience
• Purpose or goal of your talk/training

2. Organize

As mentioned in earlier post, divide your session duration as given below:

• Introduction: 10%
• Body: 70%
• Conclusion: 20%

3. Develop Content

• List key points
• Clusters
• Focus on one key point or category per page but you don’t have to say it all on the slide

4. Layout

• Use action words
• Not more than 6-8 words per line
• Not more than 6-8 lines per slide
• Not more than 50 words per slide

5. Fonts

• Choose one or two fonts and stick with them throughout your presentation
• Make fonts large enough to read easily; nothing smaller than 24 points

6. Graphics

• Consider all graphics as a single design and then divide it in several slides to fit into each other seamlessly and telescopically (work from whole to parts)
• Balance filled and empty spaces
• Use visual contrast e.g. light letters on blue background etc
• Use consistent style of images: line, drawing, photograph, cartoon
• Use graphs like bar charts, area charts, pie charts or any other type of graph or chart as
appropriate (need not necessarily have to use all of them in one single presentation unless
• Limit number of items graphed; do not crowd
• Be consistent with other visual elements

7. Special Effects

• Before using an effect answer the question, "Does the effect enhance or distract?"
• Also ask, "Is the effect part of the message?"

8. Supplement Your PPT with Reading and Reference Material (Handouts and Notes)

• Print handouts and notes and share with your audience and ask them to refer them as per
your directions

9. Grammar and Spellings

• Do use the spell and grammar checker and make sure that all the spellings and grammar are

10. Timing of Presentation

• Practice timing for each slide and so, the entire presentation

Summary of Some Rules of thumb for Presentation Pages

• 5 minutes per slide
• One main idea with 5-9 points per slide
• 5-7 words per point (talking points, not whole presentation)
• Use graphics when they add to or help explain material
• Don't overuse graphics
• Any decent font
• Large and bold enough to be seen clearly and easily on a big screen from the farthermost locations in the venue

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Train the Trainers: Preparation

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Know Your Audience (Trainees)

  • Know about their organization(s)
  • Trainees’ profile:
    - Department or discipline
    - Knowledge (pre-existing) level
    - Experience level
    - Age
    - Hierarchical level/Designations
    - Language
  • Trainees’ concerns/motivation
  • Trainees’ expectations from training
  • NOT just what they want to learn, but what it is that they wish to accomplish

Designing a Training Module

  • For which management initiative? Objectives?
  • Establishing the need for training in that subject.
  • Which mindsets need to be changed?
  • Concepts clarification
  • Implementation steps: case studies
  • How the participants can integrate in their day-to-day working?
  • Possible action plan
  • Effective beginning
  • Logical sequencing
  • Connect the sessions well
  • Should look relevant
  • Make use of
    - Discussions
    - Individual & group activities
    - Management exercises and games
    - Audio visual aids
    - Peer group learning

Duration and Timing

  • Work out an appropriate duration
    - Understand the objectives once more
    - Work out the contents
    - Decide the methodologies
    - Sequence
    - Estimate duration of each session
    - Err on the lower side (let trainees crave for more)
    - Freeze the duration
  • Timing is important


  • Prepare overall design
  • Break it down into appropriate sessions
  • Develop each session
    - Contents
    - Steps and sequence
    - Methodology
    - Duration
    - Presentation material
    - Reading/reference material
    - Action plan
  • Start preparing presentation material (OHP, PPT, Multi-media, Video films)
  • Start preparing reading/reference material
  • Start preparing exercises, activities, case studies, management games, instruments
  • Start preparing for lecturettes/discussions

Session Planning

  • Introduction: what are the goals for this lesson? It should be about 10% of your time
  • Body: this is the main section where you are actually teaching the idea. It should be about 70% of your time
  • Conclusion: Remind people of what they have learned and leave time for questions. This should be about 20% of your presentation. Be careful about packing too much stuff into a presentation that you don't leave time for your conclusion or for questions.

Various Methodologies for Sessions

  • Lecturettes and Discussions
  • Peer group learning (involving trainees)
  • Case studies
  • Stories/Anecdotes/Examples
  • Individual activities and Group activities
  • Role plays
  • Exercises on paper
  • Psychological instruments /Assessment questionnaires
  • Audio-visuals (OHP, PPT, Multi-media, Video films)
  • Questions answers
  • Action Plan

Plan Session Starters (Appetizers)

  • Use Ice breakers
  • Mutual Introductions
  • Create informal & congenial environment
  • Establish code of conduct
  • Understand their expectations/concerns
  • Establish your credibility as an ace trainer
  • Establish need for the topic
    - Help trainees know their lack of knowledge in subtle way
    - Help trainees know their lack of skills in subtle way
    - Put them at cross roads
    - Startle them/threaten
    - Surprise them with new inputs

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Friday, October 29, 2010

Train the Trainers: Planning

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Trainer’s Portfolio

  • Planning
  • Preparation
  • Organizing
  • Practice
  • Presentation
  • Handling Questions
  • Putting it into Practice (implementation aspects of training)


  • Purposes of the training/talk
  • Type of training/talk (informal, formal)
  • Audience
  • Know the organization(s) of the audience
  • Time: Duration and timing

Purposes of the Training/Talk

  • To change the mindsets
  • To create enthusiasm/motivation
  • To impart knowledge
  • To develop skills/competencies
  • To create awareness
  • To generate consensus
  • To get a buy-in
  • To communicate company’s plans/policies
  • To deploy a policy
  • To implement an initiative
  • To develop an action plan

The Levels of Competence

For more details, refer and
  • Level 1: Unconsciously unconscious or unconsciously incompetent.
  • Level 2: Consciously unconscious or consciously incompetent.
  • Level 3: Consciously conscious or consciously competent.
  • Level 4: Unconsciously conscious or unconsciously competent.

How to Make an Expert out of an Ordinary: The Steps
  1. Desire: Want to
  2. Knowledge: What to? Why to?
  3. Skill: How to?
  4. Implement: Practice, practice and practice
Resultant: is an Expert out of an Ordinary.

Also refer and

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Train the Trainers: Andragogy

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

How Trainers Get Trained
  • Seminars and workshops 46%
  • Training conferences 22%
  • Other conferences 8%
  • Periodicals 8%
  • Books 7%
  • Degree programs 4%
  • Self study 4%
  • Films 1%
Andragogy: Adult Learning and Adult Training

Trainers should remember that they are training adults who already have some knowledge, some experience, some maturity and some ego. Therefore, while designing, developing and delivering training sessions or talks, they should remember following aspects applicable to adults. Adults display properties and expectations as given below:
  • Motivated and want to learn particularly if needed
  • Motivated by intrinsic & extrinsic motivators
  • Adults have a need to know why they should learn
  • Immediate benefit
  • Adults have a need to be self-directing
  • Immediate and repeated opportunities for practicing
  • Centers on realistic problems
  • Task centered orientation to learning
  • Past experiences
  • Need for mutual planning
  • Informal and congenial environment
  • Status difference

Types of Training
  • Class room (within company premises)
  • Class room (outside company premises)
  • On the job
  • Outdoor
  • Computer based (CBT)
  • Distance learning
  • Web based

Determining Training Needs
  • Training needs surveys
  • Task analysis
  • Performance analysis (Appraisals)
  • 360 Degrees feedback
  • Competency mapping
  • Organizational requirements: new technology, new management initiatives, reorganization etc
(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Train the Trainers: The Beginning

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Develop an HRD (Training) Model: Steps

1. Vision

2. Values

3. Objectives

4. Critical success factors (CSFs)

5. HRD (Training) focus

6. HRD (Training) initiatives

7. K.I.S.S. (Keep it short and simple or is it "keep it simple stupid!")

8. Build individual and organizational competencies/skills

Organization of Training (HRD) Function: Steps

1. Mission

2. Key Objective

3. Customers/consumers

4. Training product

- Need identification
- Objective of the product
- Design
- Program development
- Delivery
- Train the trainer
- Ongoing evaluation and improvement

5. Administration

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Monday, October 25, 2010

Train the Trainers: Relevance of Training

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Relevant HRD (Training)- Half the Battle Won

• Training should be “value adding” (refer the previous post); it should be strategic.
• It should enhance the value given to the customer by the organization through its people.
• Are you aware of your clients' (trainees'/audiences') and  their oeganizations' vision, values and long and short-term objectives?
• What are their focus areas this year and next year?
• Which critical (success) factors will contribute towards achieving their goals (focus areas)? Have they been clearly stated and understood?
• Do your training initiatives fall in line with these?

Emergence of Human Resource as No 1 Strategic Resource: Training is Vital

• In today’s competitive world only Human Resource will be the deciding factor.
• Therefore, exploit that resource to the hilt.
• Develop and motivate him.
• Develop his attitude/ethic, knowledge & information, his behavior pattern & skills.
• Motivate him so that he is enthusiastic, involved, creative & active.
• Training/HRD is therefore one of the most important requirement.
• Every manager should try to develop himself as a trainer, a coach and a mentor.

Difference between Training and Development


• Focus on specific job skills and behaviors; also technical, mechanical operations
• Current jobs
• Immediate gains
• Enhancement of a particular skill
• Organizational initiative– extrinsic motivation and imposed evaluation is essential


• For future jobs, theoretical skills and conceptual ideas. Focuses on long term accruals
• General in nature and ongoing, intrinsic motivation
• No evaluation of development is possible

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Friday, October 22, 2010

Train the Trainers: Value for Money

(Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you).

Value for money (VFM) to Your Trainee's/Audience's Ultimate Customers

                      Quality X Service Level X Relationship Factor
VFM = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
             Price to Customer (Cost within organization) X Lead Time

                           Q X S L X R
VFM = ------------------------------------------
              P (C within organization) X L T

Any Management System including TRAINING ultimately should aim at enhancing the VFM on a continuous basis (so that it always remains more than what the competitors are providing).

Therefore, as a trainer, you should design your training program or talk in a manner such that it delivers what will of benefit to the end customers of your trainees/audience or their organizations.

Value to Your Trainees/Audience

In order to effectively and efficiently deliver through your training program or talk what is of benefit to your trainees'/audiences' or their organizations' ultimate or end customers, you should deliver your contents to provide the highest value to your trainees/audience in the following manner.
                            Rapport X Interest X Authentic X Retention X Utility 
Value = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
              Price to Customer (Trainees/Audience or their organizations) X Lead Time

Customer is the King

A customer is the most important
Visitor on our premises.
He is not interrupting on our work.
He is the purpose of it.
He is not outsider to our business.
He is a part of it.
We are not doing a favor by serving him.
He is doing us a favor by giving us
Opportunity to do so.
                                                                                by M K Gandhi

Your trainees/audience and their organizations are your customers in a "training" situation.

A customer focused trainer is a winner trainer.

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and and
Management Anecdotes or Management Case Studies at or

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Train the Trainers: Tutorial Objectives

Refer all the previous posts for better understanding and benefits for you.

Objectives of "Train the Trainers" Tutorial

The "Train the Trainers" tutorial will aim at assisting the readers to improve their effectiveness as trainers so that they can enthuse the trainees/audience of their speaking sessions and impart the information, knowledge and skills to the trainees/audience to their own advantage and to the advantage of their profession and through it to their organizations.

So the tutorial objectives are:
  1. Assisting the readers to improve their effectiveness as trainers to impart the required information, knowledge and skills to their trainees/audience.
  2. Making the readers capable of enthusing or motivating their trainees/audience to receive the imparted information, knowledge and skills willingly.
(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at
Management Games, Management Exercises and Icebreakers at and

Monday, October 18, 2010

Train the Trainers: Pre-tutorial Review

Answer the following questions to begin with the tutorial:

1. When was the last seminar, workshop, training program, talk or lecture you attended?

2. What did you like about them?

3. What could have been done to enhance the learning experience?

4. Do you remember your favorite instructors or teachers? What do you remember about them?

5. Do you give your full attention in meetings? What do you do when your attention wanders?

(You may like to use the additional reference material pertaining to becoming a great trainer at

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tutorial on Train the Trainers Kicks Off

Here you will get step by step lessons to become great trainers. You may be already a trainer or you wish to acquire or enhance your training competencies, visit this place often to sharpen your skills.

What will be written here will be applicable to the trainers of all the fields of knowledge and education.

The word "trainer" is used here to encompass all types of people who train others, who are also called faculty members, professors, teachers, lecturers, facilitators, workshop or seminar leaders, key note speakers, professionals who undertake speaking assignments, people conducting various types of meetings and so on.

So, stay tuned.

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